Thursday, December 4, 2008

I guess that I should go to bed soon

Hi ya'll here I am at 11:39. I know its late. Ben went to bed long ago with Josh. I just can't stop thinking. Thinking about the Internet and all that knowledge and blog checking and news reading and facebook doing that I just HAVE to do. It is like my crack!

I used to only play games on these things. Then I had to use the computer for work. I learned the art of Google. I became a Google addict. I had to research everything! From movies to people to what was that song in that one commercial. Then I discovered that you can look up music videos on YouTube. Ahh new thing to find and learn. Trivia that I could impress upon my friends and let them know that I truly knew all sorts of weird things like did you know that Jimmy Stewart's middle name is Maitland? Yup. Before we found that one out I almost named my first born son James Maitland. (its a family name) Then after discovering YouTube I really got in to checking blogs. Not only my family's everyone that they are linked to! Some of them I even check daily! I don't even know these people! ( I love to use exclamation points, and it is late.)
THEN Ben got on facebook. I always swore that I would never do that. I am too cool to join one of those networking sites. Those are for lame people or something. Well now I am on it and I check it like 3 times a day. Did someone comment on my status? Did they throw something at me? Did they post a freaking picture??? Inquiring minds want to know....

And now I have finally joined the band wagon. I write on a blog. One that my hubby Ben set up. (he has yet to write on it)

What is this world coming too..... Mary is learning to use technology and getting horribly addicted to it I might add. It is my crack!

Let me know if you want to stage a intervention. I'll bring dessert
Love you


Johnny and Jenette said...

Here is some more trivia for you Mare: Jenette is related to Jimmy Maitland Stewart, so if you had named your boy James Maitland it really would have been a family name. He is Jenette's grandpas cousin. Also, he died on her birthday! You better go back and change Josh's name.

Athena said...

If you have an intervention, join me up too...I'm just as bad. I have a blog too, I saw your link on your facebook page. Now you need to convince Spring to do one too!

Heidi Davies said...

What? You ONLY check your facebook page THREE times a day?

king bacon2 said...

well maybe I check it more. You would have to ask Ben. I lose track of those things. :)

Camilla said...

welcome to my world mary!! i have been this way fora bout 4 years. now you know why my house is a mess!! :)

Thora said...

Yeah, I struggle with this. I've been better lately, mainly because I only allow myself (usually, unless I'm being bad) to get on AFTER I do something productive for the day. Often, that means I don't get on until the evening, or something, and so spend a lot less time on. But, knowing that I just wrote that right now, I'll have a really bad week coming up!

Halley Amor said...

I get on a lot too, but I can only get on at night because of where my computer is, so I am not too bad. And my life won't allow me to start a blog, I am too busy, but I know I will soon.

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