Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Joshua Benjamin

Our little Joshua is getting to be a big boy.


Parley and Anna said...

I just love baby giggles! Thanks for making my day! He's adorable and you two are great parents!

Barbara said...

I loved his cute little laugh and he is getting so big. Thanks for sharing. I miss it when there is nothing new because I know how quickly he changes.

Johnny and Jenette said...

What a little cutie! Happy six month birthday! Miss you guys!

Jennifer Rose said...

Well it's about time we got to see some more stuff on your blog!! I love to hear him laugh.

Hair king said...

His hair is AWESOME!!

Ace of Cakes said...

fondant is cool.

Jennifer Rose said...

Où les nouvelles images sont ?

Ben said...

Bien dit...presque. On dirait, "Ou sont les nouvelles images?" Et peut etre, "Ils sont ou, les nouvelles images?"